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I finished "Dracula" and I have some thoughts!

Writer's picture: Julia AkreJulia Akre

The story begins with Johnathan Harker conducting a biasness transaction with a romaine Count named Dracula with the aim to sacra him a home in England. Soon after arriving at his castle Johnathan discovers the unbelievable reality of the old Count Dracula and tried all he can to end the undead before reaching the streets of Louden. His attempt failed and the race to stop Dracula before he can do real damage to the city of London begins. With death, disperse, fear and love driving the hearos forward this classic set the standard for portraying vampires.

When it comes to talking about vampires there is no better source then Dracula. Bram Stoker masterfully takes legions about vampires and makes them terribly real. He uses dairy entries from a verity of people, voice memos, letters between the character and newspaper clippings to convey reality in a breathtaking manner.

Within the books pages you find true, blood curtailing evil. Count Dracula is the villain yes, they have to be evil, but he is so much more. He is, in away, a physical embodiment of a demon on earth. He is an undead, an unholy being who can only be stopped with the holiest of things: the physical embodiment of the Holy Eucharistin, (the body of Jesus Christ) as refored to as the “sacred wafer,” the small bread posies Van Helsing uses to purify the Counts boxses of Romanian dirt he needs to survive the day time.

To end my thoughts on the book, lets talk about my two favorite characters and their dynamic! Let’s talk about love. It’s incredible that with just the love for one woman three out of the five main male characters are able to believe the impossible and have the courage and strength to go fight a great evil. With this interesting old look back on how relationships were and how they functioned, it makes you want to look up and see how things are handled today. It might be my old soul talking but, I would much rather have a love like Johnathan and Mina Harker. They both fill the roles of husband and wife so beautifully. With Johnathan who dose all he can to make sure Mina is safe but still letting her be in troubling conversations and taking risks for the betterment of their furor, and Mina who always had this loving and nurturing comfort to her.

She is essential to the story for giving the man hope with what why must duo after the death of several loved people. The why she was able to comfort and help Arthur Holmwood the way his male companions could not shows how a female such can make all the difference.

!!This man lost his beloved father, his cherished fiancée, had no time to prosses either before having to STAB the body of Lucy in the chest to kill her after she became a vampire!!

After meeting Mina for the first time and is alone with her, he is able to let himself be vulnerable and cry like a small child for everything he lost. She takes it all in and strokes his hair to help him not get panicked as everything floods to the forefront of his mind. After all that he asks her to consider him a brother and if he could think of her like his sister!

It is the one of my favorite sense for how sad and beautiful it is. Mina also studies and reads and memorizes travel times so that she may be a good companion to the one she loves.

She is such a good and strong female character! She holds so much as to not let her beloved worry and knows the best thing to do is put on a cheerful small and give the man courage.

I could say so much more, but I should get some sleep.

~signing off

p.s. The next book review will probably be about The Selection in preparation for Valentinasday!

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