Here it is, my first blog post! But why? Why am I here? Well to put it simply I am in a class that requires a blog. Wooo supper exciting... no, it really is. I'm excited. I've made personal blogs in the past but never kept up with them (it was sad) but I'm hoping to turn things around with this grade threatening obligation! The class is called "Digital Journilisom" and the main focus is finding a topic that you're passionate about and make an informative blog about it. I love reading and talking about books and new innovative whys our century has changed the prosses of reading and taking in a story.
Now your probbuly thinking, if this is just for a semeter long class then whats the point in subscribing? Let me tell you, even though this is for a class I will still be continuing it in the futor. I have tryed and failed SIX! that's 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 times to make a website I like for this class and thier is no why I would have done that if I planned on getting ride of it in three mounths. Nope I'm here to stay! and I think you should to!
I'll see you, in the near fouter my dear reader. <3
Check out my "about me" to know more!
This is me sighning of!